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Multi cluster

Advanced Deployment Folder Structure

This example shows how to structure folders in your repo when you want to deploy multiple EKS Clusters across multiple regions and accounts.

The top-level examples\advanced folder provides an example of how you can structure your folders and files to define multiple EKS Cluster environments and consume this Blueprints module. This approach is suitable for large projects, with clearly defined sub directory and file structure.

Each folder under live/<region>/application represents an EKS cluster environment(e.g., dev, test, load etc.). Each folder contains a backend.conf and <env>.tfvars, used to create a unique Terraform state for each cluster environment.

Terraform backend configuration can be updated in backend.conf and cluster common configuration variables in <env>.tfvars

e.g. folder/file structure for defining multiple clusters

    ├── examples\advanced
    │   └── live
    │       └── preprod
    │           └── eu-west-1
    │               └── application
    │                   └── dev
    │                       └── backend.conf
    │                       └── dev.tfvars
    │                       └──
    │                       └──
    │                       └──
    │                   └── test
    │                       └── backend.conf
    │                       └── test.tfvars
    │       └── prod
    │           └── eu-west-1
    │               └── application
    │                   └── prod
    │                       └── backend.conf
    │                       └── prod.tfvars
    │                       └──
    │                       └──
    │                       └──

Important Note

If you are using an existing VPC, you need to ensure that the following tags are added to the VPC and subnet resources

Add Tags to VPC

    Key = "${local.cluster_id}"
    Value = "Shared"

Add Tags to Public Subnets tagging requirement

    public_subnet_tags = {
      "${local.cluster_id}" = "shared"
      ""                      = "1"

Add Tags to Private Subnets tagging requirement

    private_subnet_tags = {
      "${local.cluster_id}" = "shared"
      ""             = "1"