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ArgoCD Argo CD is a declarative, GitOps continuous delivery tool for Kubernetes.

Application definitions, configurations, and environments should be declarative and version controlled. Application deployment and lifecycle management should be automated, auditable, and easy to understand.


ArgoCD can be deployed by enabling the add-on via the following.

enable_argocd = true

Admin Password

ArgoCD has a built-in admin user that has full access to the ArgoCD instance. By default, Argo will create a password for the admin user.

You can optionally provide a custom password for the admin user by specifying the name of an AWS Secrets Manager secret. The value for the secret should be a bcrypt hash of your admin password. The hashed value will be stored as a Kubernetes Secret and will be used to configure the admin password for Argo.

argocd_admin_password_secret_name = <secret_name>

See the ArgoCD documentation for additional details on managing users.

Customizing the Helm Chart

You can customize the Helm chart that deploys ArgoCD via the following configuration:

argocd_helm_config = {
  name             = "argo-cd"
  chart            = "argo-cd"
  repository       = ""
  version          = "<chart_version>"
  namespace        = "argocd"
  timeout          = "1200"
  create_namespace = true
  values = [templatefile("${path.module}/argocd-values.yaml", {})]


The framework provides an approach to bootstrapping workloads and/or additional add-ons by leveraging the ArgoCD App of Apps pattern.

The following code example demonstrates how you can supply information for a repository in order to bootstrap multiple workloads in a new EKS cluster. The example leverages a sample App of Apps repository.

argocd_applications = {
  addons = {
    path                = "chart"
    repo_url            = ""
    add_on_application  = true # Indicates the root add-on application.


A common operational pattern for EKS customers is to leverage Infrastructure as Code to provision EKS clusters (in addition to other AWS resources), and ArgoCD to manage cluster add-ons. This can present a challenge when add-ons manged by ArgoCD depend on AWS resource values which are created via Terraform execution (such as an IAM arn for an add-on that leverages IRSA), to function properly. The framework provides an approach to bridging the gap between Terraform and ArgoCD by leveraging the ArgoCD App of Apps pattern.

To indicate that ArgoCD should responsible for managing cluster add-ons (applying add-on Helm charts to a cluster), you can set the argocd_manage_add_ons property to true. When this flag is set, the framework will still provision all AWS resources necessary to support add-on functionality, but it will not apply Helm charts directly via the Terraform Helm provider.

Next, identify which ArgoCD Application will serve as the add-on configuration repository by setting the add_on_application flag to true. When this flag is set, the framework will aggregate AWS resource values that are needed for each add-on into an object. It will then pass that object to ArgoCD via the values map of the Application resource. See here for the values object that gets passed to the ArgoCD add-ons Application.

Sample configuration can be found below:

enable_argocd           = true
argocd_manage_add_ons   = true
argocd_applications     = {
  addons = {
    path                = "chart"
    repo_url            = ""
    add_on_application  = true # Indicates the root add-on application.

Private Repositories

In order to leverage ArgoCD with private Git repositories, you must supply a private SSH key to Argo. The framework provides support for doing so via an integration with AWS Secrets Manager.

To leverage private repositories, do the following:

  1. Create a new secret in AWS Secrets Manager for your desired region. The value for the secret should be a private SSH key for your Git provider.
  2. Set the ssh_key_secret_name in each Application's configuration as the name of the secret.

Internally, the framework will create a Kubernetes Secret, which ArgoCD will leverage when making requests to your Git provider. See example configuration below.

enable_argocd           = true
argocd_manage_add_ons   = true
argocd_applications     = {
  addons = {
    path                = "chart"
    repo_url            = ""
    project             = "default"
    add_on_application  = true              # Indicates the root add-on application.
    ssh_key_secret_name = "github-ssh-key"  # Needed for private repos

Complete Example

The following demonstrates a complete example for configuring ArgoCD.

enable_argocd                       = true
argocd_manage_add_ons               = true
argocd_admin_password_secret_name   = <secret_name>

argocd_helm_config = {
  name             = "argo-cd"
  chart            = "argo-cd"
  repository       = ""
  version          = "3.29.5"
  namespace        = "argocd"
  timeout          = "1200"
  create_namespace = true
  values = [templatefile("${path.module}/argocd-values.yaml", {})]

argocd_applications = {
  workloads = {
    path                = "envs/dev"
    repo_url            = ""
    values              = {}
  addons = {
    path                = "chart"
    repo_url            = ""
    add_on_application  = true              # Indicates the root add-on application.
    ssh_key_secret_name = "github-ssh-key"  # Needed for private repos
    values              = {}